Think voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) only benefits large, enterprise-level companies? Not so fast. Today’s VoIP solutions, especially when delivered over a secure private network, offer myriad features that help smaller businesses affordably level the playing field.
VoIP refers to hardware and software systems that function as telephones but deliver enhanced options and functionality that make smaller firms more efficient. Some experts say that lower latency and other technological improvements promised by 5G (the next-gen wireless technology) may rapidly stimulate VoIP adoption. Time will tell. Meanwhile, here are three VoIP advantages small companies can realize right now.
1) Versatility. Modern solutions help enhance business communications through flexible, tightly integrated feature sets such as Internet calling, video conferencing, voicemail, instant messaging and faxing.
2) Cost savings. VoIP’s upfront costs are minimal because it uses an existing data network. Compared with landline service, monthly savings on local and international call service can easily reach double digits.
3) Agility. VoIP scales easily up or down, as needed, and requires only one network for voice and data. Authorized users can access VoIP features anywhere there’s a broadband connection, offering essential functionality in today’s work-from-home environment.
Moving to VoIP typically starts with an assessment. An IT/telephony expert will verify your network’s ability to support VoIP protocols, and identify technical issues that could impede QoS (quality of service). Sound promising? To learn more, call us at TeamLogic IT Plano (469.573.3743) or go to our website at

TeamLogic IT Plano, a Team of IT Support consultants, offers premium IT services in the Dallas-Fort worth Metropolitan Area. Our IT services range from basic IT support to advanced security support for small- and medium-sized businesses. Contact TeamLogic IT Plano, one of the best IT Consulting Company in the Dallas-Fort worth Metropolitan Area.