As the name suggests, buzzwords are trendy, but are they really helpful? A CSO magazine commentary by Michael Hill assails buzzwords as an “inescapable reality for an innovative and fast-paced industry like information security.” But he also notes that these trendy terms are “not always helpful and can be inaccurate, outdated, misleading, or even risk causing harm.” Indeed. Buzzwords are often used liberally to simplify complex terminology. In case you’re wondering if you really understand some of the most common
buzzwords, here we clarify a few familiar ones:
• Ransomware: We often describe ransomware simply
as “malware that infects, locks or seizes control of
business systems until ransom is paid,” which risks
casting it more as mechanical than criminal. Now,
ransomware truly is extortion on a global scale. And all
business leaders, not just IT departments, should treat
this cresting crime wave with proper gravity, both in
words and actions.
• Zero Trust: Absolutes are the enemies of innovation.
Discussing “Zero Trust” as a state that can be achieved
fully and with finality risks casting this cybersecurity
framework more like product than posture. All involved
in practicing cybersecurity – from C-suite executives
to front-line workers – should keep in mind that the
Zero Trust journey occurs every day and is never really
• Human Error: It’s true. Individual mistakes contribute
greatly to security breaches. But continually calling your
people your biggest cybersecurity problem belies the
reality that they are also your best solution in holding
the line against breaches.
Need a partner who can help your business cut through buzzwords and take the right actions? Call us at TeamLogicIT Plano (469) 573-3743 or go to our webpage teamlogicitplanotx.com.

TeamLogic IT Plano, a Team of IT Support consultants, offers premium IT services in the Dallas-Fort worth Metropolitan Area. Our IT services range from basic IT support to advanced security support for small- and medium-sized businesses. Contact TeamLogic IT Plano, one of the best IT Consulting Company in the Dallas-Fort worth Metropolitan Area.