Following a natural or human-induced disaster, is your business ready with a Disaster Recovery Plan?  In an article by Magnus Knight entitled, “What You Need To Know About Disaster Recovery Planning,” from US Cybersecurity Magazine on November 21, 2019, he writes that recovery plans need to cover all bases to ensure that no part of your business is exposed during a crisis and that minimum damage is incurred while progress is being made for a speedy and easy recovery.

Things to seriously consider for an effective Disaster Recovery Plan are the following:  (a) segregate your data and prioritize what you can not afford to lose; (b) think about an alternate “safe house” or satellite location to avoid losing any business while repairing the damage; (c) since companies have mobile devices that are NOT usually linked to the main server, it is best to make alternative backup plans for the mobile devices ahead of time so they do not depend on the rest of the plan; and (d) request that any business affiliated with yours gets involved by asking them to run regular backups on their own for extra safety.

There are 5 W’s needed for Disaster Recovery Planning:

  1.  Who? Make sure every single member is made aware of the Disaster Recovery Plan
  2.  What?  Address exactly what will happen when faced with an unexpected event
  3.  Where?  Look beyond geographical location of your business and secure other aspects too including company vehicles, remote workforce, and offices.
  4. Why?  Compose a strategic, risk-free and efficient plan so that when unforeseen disaster strikes, especially for small businesses, it is not totally crippled.
  5.  When?  Prioritize it now

The most effective tips for Disaster Recovery Planning include (a) investing in the best technology to protect your business; (b) perform routine tests on the disaster recovery plans thoroughly so there are no glitches; (c) changes or new updates in a system means the disaster recovery plans need to be updated also and (d)  if it is physically impossible to reach the site, you may want to use alternative services that can remotely activate the disaster recovery plan.

We at TeamLogic IT Plano can help your business with a Disaster Recovery Plan.  Call us today at 469.573.3743.