As business owners, IT infrastructure is critical and it influences ever changing budgetary decisions. In a survey of nearly 400 small-medium-and large size companies, business leaders topmost challenges were with Data Storage. Specific areas of concern were with Aging Equipment, Lack of Capacity and High Operational Costs.
In relationship to aging equipment, 18% of those who replied indicated that old gear was the number one issue with their current storage configuration. Although new systems would provide performance advantages, costs tend to keep owners at bay from purchasing them. In fact, they will hold onto certain equipment until it dies.
Inadequate capacity was cited by 18% of respondents as their main storage challenge. The voluminous amount of data originating from social media, business apps, and other sources can strain the storage systems and make it difficult for planning.
Storage infrastructure problems involving high operational costs were the greatest concern to 14% of the business leaders. Specifically in terms of power, cooling and space requirements.

TeamLogic IT Plano, a Team of IT Support consultants, offers premium IT services in the Dallas-Fort worth Metropolitan Area. Our IT services range from basic IT support to advanced security support for small- and medium-sized businesses. Contact TeamLogic IT Plano, one of the best IT Consulting Company in the Dallas-Fort worth Metropolitan Area.