The criminal eavesdropping and hijacking of video teleconferencing (VTC) calls got so bad earlier this year that the FBI issued advisories to protect organizations of all kinds against them. While VTC solutions providers have corrected (or are correcting) most of those original concerns, there is always the chance that new vulnerabilities could arise and prompt a new wave of malicious “call-bombing” attacks. Consider this quick summary of the Feds’ recommended best practices for safeguarding teleworkers and video platforms:
1) Before initiating any call, have all users install the app’s latest software and security updates. Note that, as vendors press to stay ahead of criminal call-crashers, platform updates may be fast and frequent.
2) Caution attendees not to make gatherings public or unwittingly share meeting links or IDs. Instead, have facilitators provide this information directly. Similarly, tell users not to share screengrabs over social media because it can reveal the meeting ID and invite disruption.
3) For secure meeting management, disable file sharing and allow only the host or admin to handle screensharing. For more control and better security, choose paid VTC subscriptions over free versions.
4) Work with experts to assess your VT conferencing platform’s security and performance, as well as any other teleworking or collaboration technology you may be using (e.g. a VPN). The FBI also recommends including requirements for physical and data security in your current telework policy, a prudent precaution which TeamLogic IT Plano wholeheartedly endorses.
We can help.  Contact TeamlogicIT Plano today at 469.573.3743.