In an article by Steven Lerner on May 27, 2019 ( he writes about the 5 biggest mobile security threats in 2019 which include the following: Fake-Public Wi-Fi Networks, Malware-Ridden Apps, Data Leakage, SMiShing, and Cryptojacking.
Fake-Public WiFi Networks are also known as the “evil twin” networks. They are formed by hackers who want to trick the user into connecting to a network they control. These hackers do this by setting up a reputable-seeming hot spot in a public area where you would expect to find wireless service. This is extremely problematic for employees accessing corporate apps on personal devices because it could significantly impact or disrupt the company’s business.
Malware-Ridden Apps are where hackers try to to get people to download certain mobile applications thinking they are from a legitimate company when in fact they are “fake applications” that contain malware.
Data Leakage is the unauthorized transfer of classified information electronically or physically from a computer or data center to the outside world.
Smishing is the fraudulent practice of sending text messages thinking to be from a legitimate company in order to trick individuals into revealing personal information or business data. Users receive a message that urges them to call a phone number and when the people call, data is breached because of downloading a Trojan horse, virus, or other malware onto the cellular phone or mobile devices.
Cryptojacking is a form of cyber attack in which hackers will have unauthorized use of your computer and devices in order to mine for cryptocurrency. This is critical as many employees depend on devices for work. Cryptojacking impacts technology and diminishes the battery life of the device; it may cause overheating and physical damage.

TeamLogic IT Plano, a Team of IT Support consultants, offers premium IT services in the Dallas-Fort worth Metropolitan Area. Our IT services range from basic IT support to advanced security support for small- and medium-sized businesses. Contact TeamLogic IT Plano, one of the best IT Consulting Company in the Dallas-Fort worth Metropolitan Area.