Getting Started on making a Disaster Recovery
It’s inevitable. No matter how many steps you take in order to protect your business and its assets, it’s impossible to be fully prepared for all eventualities. Network failures, phishing attacks, data loss, or even something as mundane as the power going out at a critical moment can all be huge setbacks. Should the worst end up happening, be it through negligence or malicious intent, it’s important to have a contingency plan in place so that the effects of disasters are minimized. These contingency plans are generally referred to as disaster recovery plans.
While disaster prevention is an important part of business continuity, the primary focus of this article will be creating a contingency plan that reduces the overall risk to the company, should a disaster occur. When putting this plan together, it’s best to do so with an experienced partner that is thorough & has years of industry experience in disaster recovery. TeamLogic IT Plano offers many such services to get your business ready with contingency plans.
Essential Components of a Disaster Recovery Plan
When making a disaster recovery plan, there are several important components that you need to have. These include:
- Awareness– For most businesses, it’s easy to view disasters as unlikely or something that only happens to other businesses. By changing perspective and viewing disasters as a very real threat that could occur at any moment, it puts you in a mindset that is better able to minimize risks.
- Disaster declaration procedures– When a disaster occurs, it’s important to have a process in place. It’s easy to get hung up on how to declare a disaster and a lot of unnecessary time and energy can be wasted on approaching the situation. By creating a plan beforehand, it allows your company to respond to the crisis in a calculated and efficient manner.
- Secure data storage– Issues like network failure and power outages can cause the information to be corrupted or lost. In a worst-case scenario, it might be impossible to salvage the data from such an event. This is why it’s important to preserve your data in a remote secure location so that normal business operations can be restored quickly & painlessly any time afterwards.
- Regular backups– Infrequent backups can cause your company to lose several months’ worth of data & set you back, which can be disastrous. By regularly creating backups, you minimize the amount of data at risk at any given time. Many of these services are operated via cloud platforms, such as the ones offered by Verticomm and Microsoft Azure.
- Emergency contacts list– It’s always important to have a list of people and companies that you can rely on for such situations. People on this list can range from people who helped create your plan to people who are running your backup servers; important thing is to be able to easily contact these people at any time should the need arise. This can help save time and help your business get back up on its feet & become operational quickly.
If you need help developing a disaster recovery plan or executing your plan, you can get further assistance with business continuity and disaster recovery, contact our TeamLogic IT consultant in Plano. Feel free to contact us for a consultation.

Mohammad (Mo) Nilforoushan is a trusted Technology Advisor in North Dallas who has completed his BSEE from Cleveland State University and a MS in Solid State Physics from Bowling Green State University. He has worked as a Product and Test Engineering Manager for 15 years with RCA/Harris, Dallas Semiconductor and Texas Instruments. He was also Director of Operations at Microtune Inc. between 2002 to 2015. Mo started his own company, “TeamLogicIT Plano” in 2015 with a mission to deliver excellent Managed IT Services in Dallas and Plano, TX with innovation and updated technology. The TeamLogicIT Plano team, which includes his wife Kathleen Stewart (marketing/sales) provides excellent IT Support, Computer Services, Cloud Computing, Backup, and Disaster Recovery, with second to none customer service. Call us at (469) 573-3743 or contact our email [email protected].